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Socotra Island Under a Tropical Storm, 17 Missing

Yamanyoon A tropical storm flooded several villages and capsized boats on the island of Socotra, leaving at least 17 people missing, which led the country declare a state of emegency, a source said. Socotra requires immediate aid to…

WHO: Diphtheria outbreak kills 84 in Yemen

A number of 84 people have been killed by the diphtheria outbreak since October, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday. The UN agency said that 1,516 suspected cases of diphtheria have been registered in 20 out of 23…

Saudi Aerial Raids on Yemen (16-May-2018)

Yamanyoon The Saudi-led coalition aggression continued on Wednesday to launch raids on the provinces of Yemen, causing material damage to public and private property. In Saada, it carried out five raids on the Al-Mahathar area in the…

Saudi Bombardment on the Border Yemeni District

Yamanyoon The Saudi army bombarded on Thursday various residential areas in the district of Menbah in the northern province of Saada. Saudi artillery and rocket fire shelled residential areas in the border Yemeni district of Menbah, which…
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