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Foreign Press

Saudi Arabia Puts a Pressure on United Nations

Yamanyoon-28 August 2017 The secretary general, António Guterres, has been reviewing an annual report, called “Children and Armed Conflict,” which he is expected to release soon. In previous years, the report has included an annex that…

Many Yemeni people suffering from Cholera

Jun 17 I Yamanyoon The Independent newspaper has published an article for Fiona Keating under the title” Deadly cholera epidemic infecting one child every minute sweeps through Yemen”. Save the Children has warned that the rate of cholera…

Yemen, Cholera, Israel and WMDs

May 19 |Yamanyoon Use of WMDs, bioweapons, cluster bombs, sarin gas would be impossible without network of CIA stooge governments, cardboard lothario dictators and narco-republics that provide basis for worldwide criminal empire. While we…

Yemen: Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam

April 19 | Yamanyoon Facing a people fighting to defend their homes and families, as the Viet Cong did in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia will find its self in a Yemeni quagmire. Still stinging from their last military humiliation six years ago at…

4.5 Million Yemeni Children out of School: UNICEF

April 18 | Yamanyoon The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that the ongoing Saudi aggression against impoverished Yemen may deprive a whole generation of children of education this year, cautioning that the consequences of…

Yemen appeals to EU to help end Saudi aggression

April 3 | Yamanyoon Yemen has written to the European Union, calling on the 28-nation bloc to pressure Saudi Arabia into ending its deadly military intervention and inhumane blockade of the impoverished nation. Hisham Sharaf, the Foreign…
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